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Chef Ivy & “The Mayor”


Kris, “The Mayor” & Sandra Jean

Rich Friendships

Sandra Jean © 2005

like chocolate bread pudding
so good
you’ve got to
slow down
between bites
and savor the flavor
that’s taken up residence
in your mouth.
Rich friendships
made like
window ornaments
that become
for sunshine
and the smiles of
rich friendships
that sit around a table where
the laughter pours more freely
than the wine.

A place where
new friendships
from old friendships
like trails of ivy

in a kitchen window.
Where my plate
is our plate
and your plate
is our plate
and we share bites
and giggles
and stories of
old friendships
first tied together with
I knew her,
knew him,
knew them
rich friendships
were just
new friendships.

Back when good knees
and better eyesight
were taken for granted.
Back when we
were going to conquer
the world
and before
the aging,
like good wine,
of our
rich friendship.Thanks for a great time!

2 Responses to “1111”

  1. 1 Lexie


  2. 2 The Mayor

    You’re good… you’re very good!! What an awesome reflection of the great evening at 1111!

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