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A Taste of Provence – Lavender Sorbet

A friend of mine recently gave me an old issue of Bon Appetit dedicated entirely to the cooking of Provence

. While paging through it I came across a recipe for lavender sorbet. It sounded very intriguing so I decided to give it a try. The recipe was simple and the results were impressive! See for yourself…


8 cups water

3 ½ cups sugar

4 tablespoons dried lavender blossoms

1 teaspoon lemon juice

Bring first 3 ingredients to a boil in a heavy medium saucepan over high heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Boil without stirring until reduced by 1/3 volume (approx. 12 minutes). Strain syrup into medium bowl.

Chill syrup until very cold (about 4 hours). Transfer to ice cream maker. Add lemon juice; process according to manufacturer’s instructions. Transfer to covered container; freeze until firm.

Makes approx. 2 quarts

** I served the sorbet in wine goblets and garnished it w/ lemon zest and lavender blossoms.



2 Responses to “A Taste of Provence – Lavender Sorbet”

  1. 1 Ami f.

    This sounds yummy! I’m going to have to try making some myself. It will pair perfectly with my favorite lavender, lemon and chamomile tea! I just love cooking and baking with lavender. It’s always nice to find others with the same interest — or intrigue. My favorite source for culinary lavender is They offer a French organic culinary lavender at a fair price in a beautiful package!

  2. 2 Bruno

    Since you’re a lover of lavender I think you’ll like the sorbet Ami. The web site you mentioned has a great selection of products. I needed lavender quickly so I drove to Cost Plus/World Market for mine. They have small bags of culinary lavender in their spice section for 99 cents! I bought two and it was more than enough for the sorbet. Happy cooking!!


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