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More Bounty from the Garden – Fall Harvest

I beat the squirrels and rabbits this time!! It’s taken me awhile, but I’ve learned that I have to pick my tomatoes while they’re still a little green, otherwise the yard critters snatch them off the vines before I do!!

Notes for next year: marigolds, bone meal and a better fence:

Someone reminded me that the scent of marigolds is a natural repellent for rabbits and squirrels. So is bone meal. (So is urine, but I’m not going there!) Next year the fence will be higher, stronger and extended below the surface. The squirrels have learned to jump over the current fence to get what they want, and the rabbits have either dug under the fence or crashed right through it!! These are the lessons learned in my first year of gardening, so squirrels and rabbits take note, I’m on to you… but I will share my bounty if you cooperate :-)

I’m having a caprese salad for lunch today…



2 Responses to “More Bounty from the Garden – Fall Harvest”

  1. 1 Kalyn

    Looking good. I think I’m lucky to have a high chain link fence clear around my back yard. It’s not that good looking, but very effective. Your tomatoes look great.

  2. 2 brunosdream

    Thanks Kalyn! You’re lucky to have a good fence in place.

    I was in Salt Lake City last Sunday and it was already snowing! I guess your gardening season is winding down…

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