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Bread Head

Here’s my whole wheat bread recipe

(tweaked from my mom’s pizza dough recipe).

Bread1 Before…


Bread2 After!

Mix 1 rounded tablespoon of yeast and ¼ cup warm water

in a large mixing bowl, add 1 teaspoon honey then let stand

for 3 to 4 minutes.

Then add to bowl: ¼ cup olive oil and ¼ stick melted butter,

1 ¼ cups warm water, 2 teaspoons salt

(make sure salt is dissolved before adding flour).

In a separate bowl , mix 3 ½ cups flour (2 cups whole wheat, 1 ½ all purpose)

and ½ cup seven grain mix, then add to yeast mixture –

mix in up to ½ cup more all purpose flour if dough is too moist.

Knead dough thoroughly, form it into a ball

and return it to the bowl (dust bottom of bowl w/ flour first),

dust top w/ flour, cover bowl w/ plastic or moist towel

and let dough rise for 1 hour (in a warm spot in your kitchen).

Split dough ball in half, roll each half into a tight ball,

place on corn meal dusted surface, cover w/ plastic bag

and let rise for ½ hour.

Meanwhile, preheat oven and pizza stone to 425 degrees.

When dough balls are ready, dock them w/ scissors

(this will allow steam to escape from dough to prevent blistering),

place on stone and pour 2 ounces of water onto bottom

of oven to delay crust formation so the bread can expand rapidly

and evenly. Turn bread after 20 minutes for even baking,

reduce temperature to 350 degrees and bake for another

18 to 20 minutes.

Remove from oven and let cool on pie rack.

Voila… you now have some yummy bread for your next

breakfast or dinner. Remember to share w/ friends!

Bon Appetit!!


5 Responses to “Bread Head”

  1. 1 farmgirl

    Hi Bruno,
    Thanks so much for coming back to my site and leaving me the comment saying you’re real. LOL, it was a VERY strange day online yesterday, and your timing just happened to be perfect for me to really start getting paranoid.

    Thrilled to know you’re a fellow food blogger. I’ve been having fun poking around on your site. And I’m flattered that you’ve included Farmgirl Fare on your links list. Please accept my sincere apologies for questioning your existence.

    P.S. That bread looks scrumptious–and such cute loaves! : )

  2. 2 Bruno

    Apology accepted Farmgirl. Considering what you were dealing w/ yesterday I understand completely why you became suspicious of my post.
    Glad we cleared things up!
    Thanks for visiting our site and thanks for the compliments!!


  3. 3 farmgirl

    Hi again,
    I forgot to mention something about leaving comments on blogger (plus I wanted to look at those cutie loaves again : ). I know you said you had to create a blogger blog yesterday, but there’s another way. When you go to leave a comment on a blogger blog, just check the “Other” box. That will allow you to then enter any name you wish, as well as your URL (optional). If you do enter your URL, anybody who clicks on your name will be directly sent over to your site. (If you have a blogger account, though, it will just show your blogger profile page, like what happened yesterday). Hope that helps. Enjoy the rest of the day!

  4. 4 barbara

    Nice looking loaves.

  5. 5 Bruno

    Thanks Barbara!

    …and thanks for the info Farmgirl. Next time I post a comment on your site I will do what you suggested.

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