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Bread de Provence (Fougasse)

In order to commemorate my 50th birthday here’s a

special post on one of my favorite foods… bread!

    I love bread!! I don’t know how people can do that

no carb diet or why they would intentionally deprive

themselves of something so good. In fact, I don’t have

much faith in any of those fad diets. I believe eating

whatever you want in moderation (including carbs)

is the best diet. I’ve read several studies that state your

body needs carbs to function properly. That’s my excuse

and I’m sticking w/ it! Enough said, let’s get on w/ a great

recipe to satisfy your carb cravings!!

*From Bon Appetit May 1999

Fougasse Aux Herbes de Provence (makes 2 loaves)


1 1/2 cups warm water

1 teaspoon dry yeast

4 cups unbleached all purpose flour

2 tablespoons dried herbes de Provence

2 teaspoons fine sea salt

4 tablespoons olive oil

Yellow cornmeal

    Pour 1 1/2 cups warm water into large bowl; sprinkle

yeast over. Let stand for about 10 minutes. Stir in 1 cup

flour, 1 tablespoon herbes de Provence and sea salt, then

2 tablespoons olive oil until well blended. Mix in enough

flour, 1 cup at a time, to form thick and slightly sticky


    Turn dough out onto lightly floured work surface; knead

until smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes. Form into ball.

Oil large bowl, add dough; turn to coat. Cover w/ plastic

wrap, then towel. Let rise in warm draft-free area until

doubled, about 1 hour.

    Position 1 rack in center and 1 rack in top third of oven

and preheat to 450 degrees F. Sprinkle 2 baking sheets

generously w/ cornmeal. Punch dough down. Turn out onto

floured surface; divide in half. Press out each half into

11×8 inch irregular shaped oval. Transfer to prepared

baking sheets. Brush each w/ remaining olive oil, then

sprinkle w/ the rest of the herbes de Provence.

Using a sharp knife, make several 2 inch long cuts in

each oval (do not cut through edges), spacing cuts evenly

apart and cutting through dough to work surface. Pull apart

at cuts to create openings. Cover loosely w/ plastic;

let rise in warm draft-free area until slightly puffed (about

20 minutes).


    Place dough in oven. Immediately pour about 1/4

cup water onto bottom of oven, creating steam. Bake

breads until golden on top and slightly crisp on bottom,

switching sheets between racks and turning front of each

sheet to back of oven halfway through baking (about 9

minutes). Bake for another 9 minutes. Transfer sheets to

racks; cool for 10 minutes. Serve warm or at room



Et voila, the finished product! Enjoy this delicious bread

and remember… share w/ your best friends!!

A Votre Sante’,


8 Responses to “Bread de Provence (Fougasse)”

  1. 1 farmgirl

    Happy, Happy Birthday! I can’t think of a better way to celebrate it than with that absolutely gorgeous bread. Oh wait. Cake. : ) Hmmmm. Ah. I’ve got it. Bread and cake!

    I’ve never made fougasse–you’ve totally inspired me to try my hand at it. It’s so beautiful–and I’m sure it tastes fabulous.

    P.S. Thanks for all the nice comments you’ve left me on FF. And I finally got around to answering your question today about the classic rock songs I was singing at 3am, LOL. It’s in the post with the iris photo. Again, Happy Birthday!

  2. 2 Ivonne


    Thank you for bringing some sanity to the world of eating! I can’t tell you how many times I have to bite my tongue when I hear people around me talking about all this silliness with no carbs and blah blah blah.

    What a lovely bread. I completely understand why it’s your favourite. And many thanks for sharing the recipe!

  3. 3 Bruno

    Hi Farmgirl,

    Thanks so much for the birthday greetings! Guess what… bread and cake were the order of the day at the surprise party my good friends threw for me!!

    Glad I could inspire you… I’m sure you won’t be disappointed w/ your fougasse!

    I will be checking out your site real soon… gotta find out what you were rocking out to at 3 AM!!

    Hi Ivonne,

    I bite my tongue too when I hear people talk about all the silly diets they’re doing… well, actually I bite into a big slice of bread smeared w/ lots of butter!!

    I hope you try this recipe. I think you’ll enjoy it!



  4. 4 Bron

    Ohh ohh I’ve always wanted to make Fougasse, yet I some how never get on to it.
    This looks so darn good though, I’ll just have to try it out!
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. 5 barbara

    Very impressive.

  6. 6 Bruno

    Hi Bron,

    Thanks! I think you’ll really enjoy this bread… the flavors are wonderful!!

    Hi Barbara,

    Thanks so much! It’s always good to hear from you.


  7. 7 michelle

    VERY nice styling for the photo!

  8. 8 Bruno

    Thanks Michelle! That’s a major compliment to hear this from a pro!!


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