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Garden Update

My garden is doing beautifully this year! The weather conditions for growing have been optimal so everything has been thriving (especially compared w/ last year). The tomatoes are starting to appear, as well as the bell peppers, jalapenos, broccoli, chard and onions. The asparagus has ferned out and is now almost as tall as me! I’m looking forward to an abundant crop of asparagus next year. I planted the butternut squash outside of the fence so it won’t shade out the other veggies w/ it’s large leaves.  This past week I cut and sauteed my first batch of Swiss chard w/ a few of the small onions and my first ripe jalapeno. That was such a delicious treat! I find it so rewarding to pick fresh veggies from my garden and cook them up in my kitchen that same day!!
June 12th:


A couple of weeks ago I moved things around in the herb garden because my basil and rosemary were being shaded by taller plants. Everything seems to like their new location in the garden now.

 June 27th:

Happy 4th of July!!


3 Responses to “Garden Update”

  1. 1 Kalyn

    Your garden looks great. I admit, I’m definitely neglecting my garden this year while I work on the house, but a few things seem to be growing okay in spite of it. Love that fresh garden swiss chard!

  2. 2 Nupur

    Bruno, the garden looks wonderful! The bell peppers, tomatoes, jalapenos, onions are all too adorable :)
    The 10th picture- are those roma tomatoes? I love their shape.

  3. 3 brunosdream

    Kalyn – Thanks! Yes, garden fresh Swiss chard is super!!

    Nupur – Thank you! The little tomatoes in that picture are the yellow pear variety and they’re mighty tasty!!

  1. 1 Garden Update at brunosdream « Rapidshare

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