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Garden Update – September

Things are starting to wind down for the growing season of 2010. As you will see in the latest photos, my garden is finally producing some tomatoes! Yippee!! Yesterday I picked a big Pineapple tomato and a small Cherokee Purple tomato. There are quite a few large green tomatoes on the plants that I hope will ripen before the temperature drops too low. The jalapenos are doing great. One plant was so loaded down w/ peppers that it fell over! I’m letting this last batch hang on the plants until they turn red. The broccoli and Brussels sprouts once again got infested w/ worms so I yanked all the plants out of the ground. No point in letting them suck nutrients out of the ground unnecessarily. I’m hoping to have another batch of Swiss chard before the season is over. The herbs continue to do well. I think I have enough Thai and Genovese basil to make some pesto… definitely looking forward to that! I’ve already pick 4 butternut squash and have 3 more ripening on the vines. Glad I can say this season hasn’t been a total loss!! Now on to the latest photos taken yesterday (Sept. 29th):

garden1 Sept 29 '10

garden2 Sept 29 '10

garden3 Sept 29 '10

garden4 Sept 29 '10

garden5 Sept 29 '10

garden6 Sept 29 '10

garden7 Sept 29 '10

garden8 Sept 29 '10

garden9 Sept 29 '10

garden10 Sept 29 '10

May your thumbs be green for the remainder of the year…


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