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Les Baguettes w/ Chives


Zorra over at Kochtopf invited me to participate in breadbakingday, which is on July 1st. The requirements are to bake some bread w/ herbs in it, preferably fresh herbs from your garden.


I’ve been wanting to try my hand at making a type of bread that I haven’t made before (or made years ago). I decided to make baguettes because I love their crunchy and chewy textures. To meet the requirement of fresh herbs I cut the fresh chives in my yard that were just sitting there doing nothing. I love the flavor of chives and figured they would add a nice zing to the bread!

This recipe is adapted from the California Culinary Academy’s baguette recipe. It’s simple, but is time consuming, so start the day before you plan on serving the bread.


1  1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast

1/4 cup very warm water

4 cups bread flour

2  1/4 teaspoons salt

1  1/4 cups cool water

1/4 cup  fresh chives (finely chopped)

Corn meal for dusting sheet pan


1) In a large bowl dissolve the yeast in the warm water and let stand for 3 minutes

2) Add  the flour, salt, chives and cool water to the bowl, mix together w/ your hand, then remove mixture from bowl and knead for 8 minutes

3) Put dough back into the bowl, cover w/ plastic wrap and bulk ferment at room temperature for 90 minutes

4) Weigh dough into 3 equal portions then shape into tight balls, cover w/ plastic wrap and let bench rest for 1 hour

5) Shape into 14 inch baguettes by rolling from the center out using the palms of your hands

6) Place baguettes on a parchment paper lined sheet pan that is lightly dusted w/ corn meal

7) Cover w/ plastic wrap and place in refrigerator overnight

8) Let stand at room temperature for 1 hour prior to baking

9) Preheat oven to 425 degrees F

10) Dock baguettes w/ a very sharp knife or razor  – hold knife at a 30 degree angle and make 3 or 4 diagonal cuts

11) Place a pan of hot water at the bottom of the oven

12) Place baguettes in oven on middle rack and bake for 25 minutes – – quickly pour 1/2 cup of water onto the bottom sides of the oven right after placing baguettes in

13) After 1 minute quickly pour in another 1/2 cup of water – repeat once again 2 minutes later (the steam helps promote the “oven spring” and crust gloss)

14) Remove baguettes from oven and let cool

15) Share the bread w/ your friends!

**  yields 3 baguettes

I was happy w/ the end product except for many of my cuts not opening up on the baguettes while they baked. Next time I will experiment w/ the angle and depth of the cuts as I’m docking the bread.

Happy Bread Baking Day!!


9 Responses to “Les Baguettes w/ Chives”

  1. 1 Patricia Scarpin

    Bruno, the baguettes look great – I love baking with herbs.

  2. 2 zorra

    I love chives, too. Your baguettes looks great!
    Thank you for participating.

  3. 3 brunosdream

    Patricia – Thanks! Yes, herbs add a nice element to baked goods.

    Zorra – Thanks so much! It was my pleasure to participate in this event.

  4. 4 Shaun

    Bruno – What a great way to start the day. I would have loved to have been invited to your breakfast table! I have never tried baguettes with chives (or any herb, actually) before. I’m glad to know that it worked out so well for you. I may do something for Bread Baking Day, but perhaps something less ambitious as the only thing closely related to bread that I have ever made is Hot Cross Buns.

  5. 5 brunosdream

    Thanks Shaun! You should try this recipe. I think you would really enjoy the results.

  6. 6 Orchidea

    Nice baguette you made… I like baguette a lot!

  7. 7 brunosdream

    Grazie tante Orchidea! Ciao….

  8. 8 Tartelette

    With baguettes like these, I might have to stalk your blog from now on!!

  9. 9 brunosdream

    Tartelette – Feel free to stalk as much as you like!

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