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A Week in the Life – The Culinary Tour (i.e., Pigging Out!)

We had a great week flying around the US and sampling the food of the region whenever we had the opportunity! We started our eating tour in Denver, where we had dinner at Las Brisas, a great little Mexican restaurant near our hotel. I don’t have any photos but you can click the link for their menu. Next stop Jackson Hole, where we had lunch at Sweetwater Restaurant. They serve great elk burgers and elk sausage sandwiches! The next evening we found ourselves in Des Moines, Iowa. We had dinner at Centro (sorry, no photos, but check out the link), then strolled around the Des Moines Art Festival which was in progress. As luck had it, later in the week we landed in New York City. We stopped in the Shark Bar at Spring and Mulberry Street for a couple of Belgian beers (Hoegaarden wheat), then headed over 1 block on Spring to Lombardi’s to sample some of their famous coal fired oven pizzas. The ovens heat up to 850 degrees F, creating a beautifully crispy, chewy and blistered crust. I tried to get the dough recipe, but apparently it’s top secret! After the pizza we headed over to Little Italy for dessert at Ferrara Cafe. They serve great gelato and cannoli among other things!

Hope you enjoy the photos….




Jackson Hole, Wyoming


Jim, Jeff and me in front of Sweetwater





Up, up and away!!


Me in the Shark Bar…  Little Italy and Grand Central Station 


Lombardi’s, yum!

5 Responses to “A Week in the Life – The Culinary Tour (i.e., Pigging Out!)”

  1. 1 Lisa

    Oh, what a wonderful tour! I love the stuff about NY and Little Italy, especially. That’s where my mom grew up; I want to go there sometime for sure! Thanks for the info and photos.

  2. 2 Lisa

    And wow, Centro looks fab and is somewhat nearby; maybe we could try it some day.

  3. 3 brunosdream

    Lisa – Glad you enjoyed the post. Little Italy was a lot of fun… hope you make it there sometime. Centro is definitely worth a visit!

  4. 4 Tartelette

    What a great trip! Makes me want a vacation!!

  5. 5 brunosdream

    Tartelette – I actually was working, even if the post made it seem as though I was thoroughly enjoying myself! I must admit, at times it felt like a vacation :-)

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