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First Tomatoes of 2013


These beauties are called Speckled Roman tomatoes (harvested on 7/29). Here’s the description of them from the pack of seeds – “Intriguing paste tomato with orange & yellow stripes! Yummy flavor, very meaty, excellent for sauce, canning and freezing.”  I found them to be slightly sweet w/ a light acidity. Pineapple tomatoes are sweeter but they take much longer to ripen. I definitely will be growing these again next year! The prettiest tomatoes I’ve ever grown!! As you can see in the last photo, the interior has a lot of meat and very little juice and seeds. I’m sure they would be great for a sauce, but I prefer just slicing my homegrowns and making a tomato salad or putting them in a sandwich!  

Lovin’ this year’s crop!


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