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Saffron Gelato w/ Cognac Soaked Dates & Toasted Pine Nuts


This gelato was created for A Taste of Yellow – an event put on by Barbara at winosandfoodies for LiveSTRONG Day. I know several people who are courageously battling against cancer and I hope they win the fight! This post is my tribute to them and in memory of my friends who have lost the battle.

Saffron Gelato


6 egg yolks

1 cup sugar

1 quart half & half

1/2 cup toasted pine nuts

1 cup fresh dates (pitted, cut into 1/2 inch pieces and soaked in cognac overnight)

1 1/4 teaspoons saffron threads (half crushed)


1) In medium saucepan heat half  & half gently to a simmer w/ saffron, then turn off heat and let mixture steep for 15 minutes; reheat before adding to egg yolk mixture

2) In medium size mixing bowl combine egg yolks and sugar and beat together until pale yellow

3) Blend 1/4 cup of the warm half  & half into the egg mixture (do this slowly to avoid curdling the eggs), then blend in the remaining half  & half little by little

4) Place bowl over a pot of simmering water and cook over a gentle heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture coats the back of a spoon (do not let temperature exceed 170 degrees F or mixture will start to curdle)

5) Cool in an ice bath and chill for at least 4 hours in fridge

6) Churn in ice cream maker according to manufacturer’s instructions, adding the dates and pine nuts halfway through the churning process

7) Transfer gelato to a 2 quart plastic container, cover surface  w/ parchment paper cut to size (this will reduce air exposure and prevent ice crystals from forming on the surface of gelato), and freeze until firm

Yield: Approx. 1 ½ quarts

Gelato maker’s notes: The saffron flavor wasn’t as pronounced as I would have liked, so next time I will add less of the dates which tended to overpower the saffron as the flavors opened up on the palate.

 Have a yellow day : – )


2 Responses to “Saffron Gelato w/ Cognac Soaked Dates & Toasted Pine Nuts”

  1. 1 barbara

    Wow a fabulous recipe Bruno. Saffron and pinenuts I imagine would be a great taste sensation.
    Thanks for supporting LiveSTRONG With A Taste Of Yellow.

  2. 2 brunosdream

    Thanks a million Barbara! It’s my pleasure to support such a good cause.

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