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Daring Bakers Challenge for April

Unfortunately my blog has been malfunctioning for the past couple of weeks due to some malicious hackers corrupting my template. I had a friend help me reinstall everything but it’s still not working properly. So, as a result I cannot upload any photos and when you click on the photos from previous posts they no longer enlarge. This whole situation has me very frustrated!!

I have completed the challenge for April, took photographs and have feedback from my taste testers but all this will have to wait to be posted until I can get brunosdream operational again (hopefully within the next week). I figure what’s the point to post the text without photos since my fellow Daring Bakers want to actually see the end results, not just read about them!

Please check back within the next week. Hopefully I will have this mess resolved by then and have some visuals for your viewing pleasure.

 Until then, Happy Baking!


4 Responses to “Daring Bakers Challenge for April”

  1. 1 Kalyn

    You’re about the tenth blog I’ve read who had been hacked, mostly on WordPress it seems. Sorry to hear it, what a drag.

  2. 2 Dianne

    I have been wondering what had happened to your blog. I’m so sorry you got hacked! I hope things are back to normal soon. I look forward to seeing your Cheesecake Pops.

  3. 3 Deborah

    I hope everything gets fixed! I’ll be back to see your post.

  4. 4 Bruno

    Kalyn – I’ve noticed that too… I may have to switch platforms. Got any ideas?

    Dianne – Hopefully I will post my pops soon. Thanks for bearing w/ me.

    Deborah – Thanks for visiting. I was so disappointed w/ not being able to post my April challenge results yesterday.

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