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Soulard Farmers Market – Revisited

As summer fades into the sunset and the basil begins to wilt in my garden, let’s take another look at the bounties of Soulard Market. After previously doing a post on the market in which I complained about the slim pickin’s, I decided to give the market a second look a few weeks ago, this time on a Saturday rather than a Wednesday. What I found was a bustling market w/ farmers and customers galore! What a difference a day makes!!

Here are a few photos from my recent visit…    

Previous visit:Market_1_1 Market_2

This visit:Img_0753 Img_0782

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The new fish store at the market that was under construction is now open for business too…

               Img_0776_1 Img_0757_1    

On a farm somewhere in Missouri, a Farmgirl is still managing to squeeze out some nice crops (see her Oct. 14th post) so I guess even now you might find some farm fresh goodies at Soulard Market!

Until next time, some words to ponder: Water separates the people of the world, food unites them… and so does a nice glass of wine, perhaps a hardy zinfandel!!            


8 Responses to “Soulard Farmers Market – Revisited”

  1. 1 Kalyn

    It does look like a wonderful market. Ours is closed now. Sigh.

  2. 2 Alanna

    I’ve been a Soulard fan for years but the last couple of weeks have been going to Tower Grove: this morning is the last market, maybe I’ll see you there?

  3. 3 Bruno

    Kalyn – I’m now convinced it’s a great market and it’s open year round!

    Alanna – Haven’t been to the Tower Grove market yet… looks like it’ll have to wait until next year. Hope you find some nice stuff there!

  4. 4 Kalyn

    Me again! I just tagged all the St. Louis food bloggers for the “food bloggers come to dinner” meme, but no pressure, only if you have time and think it sounds fun.

  5. 5 Ari (Baking and Books)

    All that produce looks amazing, what variety! I love farmers markets.

  6. 6 Bruno

    Kalyn – Thanks for the tag… will “cook dinner” when I get back in town…

    Ari – The produce selection was great… I picked a good day to visit the market!

  7. 7 Brilynn

    Bruno- I chose your Twisted Oat Bread to recreate for the World Bread Day After Party. You can hope on over to my blog to see how I destroyed your delicious looking bread!

  8. 8 Bruno

    Brilynn, your bread looks fine… imitation is the highest form of flattery!

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