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Stuffed Flank Steak w/ Herbed Polenta and Broccolini; Milk Chocolate and Tarragon Gelato w/ Dark Chocolate Chunks

I was tagged by Kalyn of Kalyn’s Kitchen to participate in a meme called “Foodbloggers Welcome Dinner” started by Angelika at The Flying Apple.


I’ve prepared some new creations to serve at this cyber dinner. Hope you like them!

Stuffed Flank Steak w/ Herbed Polenta and Broccolini (serves 8)



3 pounds flank steak (2 pieces)

1 box polenta

2 bunches of broccolini

10 oz. crimini mushrooms – sliced

4 large cloves of garlic – minced

7 oz. log of goat cheese (chevre)

2 quarts veggie stock

8 sundried tomatoes – rehydrated and chopped

1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 1/2 tablespoons fresh sage

1 tablespoon dried oregano

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

1 lemon

Salt and pepper to taste

Twine for trussing steaks


1) Pound out steaks to tenderize (or have your butcher put the steaks through their tenderizing machine like I did to save time)

2) Cook polenta using veggie stock, mix in herbs while cooking, season w/ salt and pepper, set aside enough polenta to stuff steaks then keep remainder on a warmer

3) Saute’ mushrooms in olive oil w/ garlic and pepper flakes, season w/ salt and pepper

4) Lay out steaks, then on each steak spread polenta on end that is closest to you, sprinkle w/ 1/3 of mushrooms, 2 ounces of crumbled goat cheese and half of the tomatoes

5) Roll and truss steaks, then season exterior w/ salt and pepper

6) Brown the steak rolls on all sides

7) Finish cooking steaks on a barbeque grill until 130 degrees F internal temperature for medium rare

8) Remove steaks from grill, cover w/ foil and let rest for 8 minutes

9) While steaks are resting, steam the broccolini until tender then sprinkle w/ lemon juice

10) Melt the butter in a pot and gently toss the broccolini in it

11) Remove twine and cut steaks into 1 3/4 inch slices, then place on serving tray

12) Gently fold remaining mushrooms and crumbled goat cheese into polenta and place in serving bowl

13) Place broccolini in serving dish

14) Pour some wine and dig in!!

Milk Chocolate and Tarragon Gelato w/ Dark Chocolate Chunks



1 oz. fresh tarragon – stemmed and chopped

1 quart half +half

1 cup sugar

2 oz. bittersweet chocolate – coarsely chopped

5 oz. milk chocolate – finely chopped

8 egg yolks


1) In medium saucepan heat half + half and tarragon gently to a simmer, then turn off heat

2) Strain through a fine mesh sieve to remove the tarragon

3) In medium size mixing bowl combine egg yolks and sugar and beat together until pale yellow

4) Beat 2 tablespoons of the warm half + half into the egg mixture (do this slowly to avoid curdling the eggs), then beat in the remaining half + half little by little

5) Place bowl over a pot of simmering water and cook over a gentle heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture coats the back of a spoon (do not let temperature exceed 170 degrees F or mixture will start to curdle)

6) Remove from heat, stir milk chocolate into the mixture and while continuing to stir place back on heat to completely melt chocolate (again, making sure mixture temperature doesn’t exceed 170 degrees F)

7) Cool in an ice bath

8) Chill mixture in fridge for at least 4 hours

9) Churn in ice cream maker according to manufacturer’s instructions, adding the bittersweet chocolate halfway through the churning process

10) Transfer gelato to a 2 qt plastic container, cover top w/ parchment paper cut to size (this will reduce air exposure and prevent ice crystals from forming on the surface of gelato), and freeze until firm

Yield: Approx. 1 ½ quarts

Now its my turn to tag a few people to keep this meme flowing…

I tag my co-blogger Duane at Zinfully Delicious

Sam at Becks & Posh

Barbara at winosandfoodies

Bron at Bron Marshall

and Brilynn at Jumbo Empanadas

OK, it’s past midnight and I’m going to get some sleep before I turn into a smashed pumpkin or something like that!


28 Responses to “Stuffed Flank Steak w/ Herbed Polenta and Broccolini; Milk Chocolate and Tarragon Gelato w/ Dark Chocolate Chunks”

  1. 1 Bron

    Thanks for you note Bruno, I’ll try to give this a go soon.

  2. 2 angelika

    Good Morning Bruno, thank you so much for 1) your lovely contribution 2) your kind mail and 3) last but not least for taking up my link to your list. I also like your blog and as soon as I have time I will dive into it more precisely. I have tried to find out where you are – St. Louis ?

    Thank you again and your contribution will be added to my list still today, I have to catch up with some others as well.. All the best from Vienna, angelika

  3. 3 barbara

    Thanks Bruno – I’ll work on it.

  4. 4 Bron

    Dear Bruno, I do apologise for how utterly rude I was not to acknowledge your delicious looking feast above earlier!

    Your flank steak looks perfectly cooked, so beautifully pink and tender and broccoli/broccolini is my favourite green!
    Finally that gorgeous gelato would be perfect on my raspy throat right now, in actual fact I may just have to head to my own freezer for something icy!

    Thanks again for the tag and this most tempting cyber feast to drool over!


  5. 5 Brilynn

    Wonderful! I’ll have seconds… of everything.
    Now I’ll have to dream up something equally tasty to serve for you.

  6. 6 Alanna

    Yummy ……………. so what time is dinner?

  7. 7 Bruno

    Bron – Thanks… Glad you enjoyed my treats! Looking forward to seeing what you create! Hope your throat feels better soon.

    Angelika – Thank you! It’s always fun to link up w/ great sites! Yes, I do live in St. Louis, Missouri, home of the world champion Cardinals and some great restaurants too!!

    Barbara – Can’t wait to see what you cook up!

    Brilynn – Thanks! There are just enough leftovers for you and Alanna! I have my fork and knife ready for your goodies!!

    Alanna – Thank you! Dinner is at 7, bring your appetite!!

  8. 8 kalyn

    It does sound fantastic. I love the idea of polenta stuffing the flank steak. Wish I could taste it.

  9. 9 Ivonne

    Mmmm … what time is dinner?

  10. 10 Bruno

    Kalyn – Gracias! I’ve stuffed beef tenderloin w/ spicy corn bread before so I figured stuffing flank w/ polenta would be good too, and it was!

    Ivonne – Dinner’s at ate don’t be late! I was going to tag you for this meme but someone else already had…

  11. 11 krista

    The stuffed flank steak sounds delicious.

  12. 12 Bruno

    Krista – Thanks!

  13. 13 Lisa

    Bruno: Four words: Totally Out of Control! Wow. Chocolate and tarragon gelato? YOU DID NOT. :)

  14. 14 Bruno

    Lisa – One word: Thanks! My friends that sampled the gelato said it was their favorite flavor that I’ve created thus far.

  15. 15 Ari (Baking and Books)

    That flank steak looks so good! It’s times like this I wish my hubby wasn’t a vegetarian, food like that is meant to be shared. :)

  16. 16 Bruno

    Ari – Thank you! I think you’d enjoy the flank steak… maybe you could make a small one just for yourself and share the veggies and polenta w/ your hubby!

  17. 17 The Culinary Chase

    Bruno, the stuffed steak with herbed polenta sounds amazing. I love polenta especially with a bit of heat from the chili & salt from the cheese. I look forward to trying this one.

  18. 18 Brilynn

    Alright, dinner has been served at my place, you’d better take your seat.

  19. 19 Bruno

    Heather – Thanks so much! I guarantee you won’t be disappointed w/ this menu… my friends who were the guinea pigs that evening really enjoyed it!

    Brilynn – I’m heading over to your site right now!

  20. 20 foodiemama

    wow..that looks delicious!

  21. 21 barbara

    Hi Bruno
    My post is up. When will you be arriving?!

  22. 22 Bruno

    Foodiemama – Thanks!

    Barbara – I’ll be right over!!

  23. 23 Ml

    That looks wonderful! What beautiful pictures and thanks for the recipe!

  24. 24 Bruno

    ML – Thank you very much! I hope the recipe works out well for you.

  25. 25 arfi

    oh my!!! gelato is my favorite dessert! and overall, the meals look stunning, Bruno. well done!

  26. 26 Bruno

    Arfi – Thank you! Stay tuned… I’ll be making pumpkin gelato soon and will post the recipe.

  27. 27 cookingchat

    sounds like quite a meal! I haven’t gotten into stuff steaks, been concentrating on good pan sauces of late, such as this roasted garlic rosemary sauce:

  28. 28 Bruno

    Thanks David! I checked out your menu and it sounded delicious too! I hope you try the flank steak recipe, I think you’ll like it.

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