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Rocky Mountain High… Colorado

Here are a few photos from my latest trip for work. A very awe inspiring place, unfortunately we rarely get to stay very long!

The post w/ photos and recipes from the Thanksgiving feast at my friends’ house will have to wait until I return. Sorry for the delay. I hope these photos will tide you over until then…


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9 Responses to “Rocky Mountain High… Colorado”

  1. 1 Ml

    Wow, amazing pictures!!

    I’m looking forward to your post about Thanksgiving :)

  2. 2 Kalyn

    Nice photos. Do you ever fly over Utah. It looks almost exactly like this, same mountains and same snow.

  3. 3 Bruno

    ML – Thanks! Many good things await you in the Thanksgiving post…

    Kalyn – Thank you! We fly over Utah fairly often… nice mountains you have there, great skiing too from what I hear!

  4. 4 cookingchat

    great shots, closest I’ve come to such views is skiing around Aspen.

  5. 5 Bruno

    Thanks David! Guess what… these photos were taken over Aspen. Small world!

  6. 6 barbara

    Amazing pictures Bruno. Reminds me of my air crew days when I had the pilot fly over my mother-in-law’s house so I could get a photo for her.

  7. 7 Bruno

    Thanks Barbara! You’ve had many careers.

  8. 8 Jeff

    That guy in the right seat looks like me. Thats going to cost you. Next time the mini burgers are one you.

  9. 9 brunosdream

    Jeff – One or two orders?

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