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Stuffed Peppadew Peppers


This is a hectic time of year and the last thing someone needs is to be stressing over cooking, which I typically find therapeutic rather than stressful. Here’s a quick and easy appetizer recipe so you don’t have to go somewhere empty-handed if you promised to make something but ran out of time to do a more complex recipe (as I did). I got this idea from Barbara at Winos and Foodies. I just added some green (i.e., chives) to make the peppadews more Christmasy. Despite their simplicity, these little guys make a good impression and nice presentation!

Peppadew Peppers Stuffed w/ Feta, Cream Cheese and Chives


6 ounces feta cheese (crumbled)

8 ounces whipped cream cheese

1/3 cup chopped fresh chives

42 peppadew peppers (I found mine at the grocery store’s olive bar)


Combine first 3 ingredients then stuff peppers

** I used the tip of a butter knife to stuff the peppers, however a friend who liked this recipe said they are going to use a pastry bag to insert the filling. A great idea which I will use next time because filling the peppers was the most time consuming part of this recipe.

***You will have some leftover filling which you can use as a spread on crostini or crackers, a dip for veggies, a sandwich spread, or you can buy more peppadews to fill.

Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night!!


7 Responses to “Stuffed Peppadew Peppers”

  1. 1 Lisa

    This is such a great idea! We have those peppers at our grocery store, too. A nice cheesy filling, and poof! Yum factor.

    A good night to you, too. :)

  2. 2 Bruno

    Thanks Lisa! Hope you’re enjoying the holidays w/ some delicious bites.

  3. 3 barbara

    Now you know why they stuffed peppadew are so expensive to buy from the deli counter. These look great Bruno. Your Christmas looks like it was a lot of fun.

  4. 4 michelle

    Hey Bruno! This is a great app recipe! I’m going to try it!


  5. 5 Bruno

    Barbara – Thanks! Christmas was great… hope yours was too!

    Michelle – Thank you very much! I think you’ll like these!

  6. 6 Mary Ann

    These look delicious. Can’t wait to try them. I’m thinking it would be very easy to mix up the cheese filling in a heavy duty ZipLock bag and then just snip the corner off to squeeze the filling out and stuff the peppers.

  7. 7 Bruno

    Thanks Mary Ann… and great idea for inserting the filling!

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