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Noel Chez Paula

Paula was one of my mom’s best friends and since my mom died 3 years ago Paula has become a good friend of mine too. She loves to open up her house for great dinner parties, and it shows. She always has her table set so elegantly and on this occasion her house was festively decorated to celebrate Christmas! Lets take a look…

Img_1031 Img_1038


Cheese appetizer (Pamela)

Herbed crown roast of pork w/ mustard seed sauce (Paula)

Potatoes Gratinee (Steve)

Shredded brussel sprouts w/ chestnuts, shallots and applewood smoked bacon (me)

Corn (Paula)

Chocolate mousse (Pamela)

Chocolate truffles – mint/tarragon; chai pistachio; earl grey (from my friend Beth who has started her own small chocolate enterprise, “Little Dipper Chocolate“)


Img_1030_1 Appetizer

Img_1064_1 Let the eating continue…




Where’s the mousse?!     Img_1090  






Once the calvados kicked in, the wackiness began…

Still life w/ papillote Img_1110

I learned something new… according to the salesperson at the cooking store where Paula bought the papillote, these are also called panties… so as the zaniness continued, one of the guests tried on the papillote/panties but they were too small!



Then I started spanking the monkey and we proceeded to corrupt our new friends the Worthingtons!


Me thinks it’s time to go home…

Paula, thanks for the hospitality and friendship (and fun)!!

Happy New Year everyone!




9 Responses to “Noel Chez Paula”

  1. 1 Brilynn

    I love big dinner parties, I wish we had them more often.

  2. 2 Bruno

    I totally agree Brilynn, and if you put the right group together the chemistry is amazing!

  3. 3 sprite

    *innocent look*
    Will the monkey be ok?

    That feast looks like it’s on high dregree of YUM.

  4. 4 Lisa

    That looks like it was a fabulous party. Happy new year to you, too, Bruno!

  5. 5 Bruno

    Sprite – Thanks…the feast was definitely YUM! FYI, the monkey was not harmed.

    Lisa – Thank you! I hope 2007 will be the best year yet!!

  6. 6 farmgirl

    What a wonderful evening! Any chance of prying the brussels sprouts recipe out of you? They sound delish.

    Happy New Year from the farm!

  7. 7 Bruno

    Thanks Farmgirl! I will e-mail you the brussel sprouts recipe when I get back in town. Hope 2007 is a great year for you on the farm!!

  8. 8 barbara

    A beautiful table Bruno. But the glasses are filled with water. I’m guessing it was soon replaced by wine.

  9. 9 Bruno

    Thanks Barbara! Oh yes, we definitely drank some wine that night!!

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