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What’s Cookin’?


I went to San Francisco over the weekend for my

sister’s wedding reception and was lucky enough

to have time to stop by the Ferry Plaza Farmer’s

Market to pick up some of my favorite pepper

jam from the Tierra Vegetables booth (which by

the way is great on toast w/ peanut butter for

breakfast!). While there I also picked up something

else which is the main ingredient for the mystery

food that I’m cooking up for a friend’s birthday

party later this week. By looking at the photo

can you tell what’s cookin’? (The answer and final

product will be in a post later this week!)

Until then, happy cooking….


2 Responses to “What’s Cookin’?”

  1. 1 Ivonne

    Ooooooooh! I’m never good at these guessing games … hmmm … I’m going to say that you’re making some sort of ratatouille … or perhaps some type of vegetable stew???

    I’m probably way off but now the suspense will drive me crazy!

  2. 2 Bruno

    Patience my dear…patience. Suspense is a good thing!


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