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Garden Fresh Jalapenos and Candied Jalapenos

from this…

to this…

to this!

Candied Jalapenos


3 tablespoons water

1 cup sugar

8 large jalapenos

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar


1) Remove seeds and ribs, then cut jalapenos into ¼ inch squares

2) Sauté jalapenos on a griddle (wiped w/ olive oil) until lightly browned and blistered

3) Put sugar and water in a heavy bottomed pot and boil until light amber in color (333 -335 degrees F on a candy thermometer), brushing inside of pot w/ water occasionally to prevent crystals from forming

4) Stir in vinegar, then stir in jalapenos

5) Let cool in pot, then pour into a jar

Ideas for use:

· Apple topping or topping for your other favorite fruit (use as a spicy alternative for caramel apples)

· Finishing glaze for BBQ’ed fish, meats, or vegetable

· Spread for toast (I use it like a fruit jam)

· Ice cream topping (as you would a caramel sauce)

Cooking notes: The sugar crystalized as it cooled down so the end product was not right.  I decided to do this post anyway because it gave me the opportunity to show you what it’s not supposed to look like (i.e., the sugar is supposed to be a transparent amber color, not an opaque caramel). I was in a hurry when making this batch because I was leaving town the next day. Lesson learned… always leave time for a redo so your finished product will be the way you want it to be.

However, if this ever happens to you, don’t throw it away, just microwave the open container for 30 – 45 seconds (depending on how powerful your microwave is) to melt the sugar crystals, just like you can do w/ honey when it begins to crystalize.

Until next time…


2 Responses to “Garden Fresh Jalapenos and Candied Jalapenos”

  1. 1 Anh

    Very interesting use of Jalapenos!

  2. 2 brunosdream

    Thanks Anh… they taste good too!

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