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Garden Update

The garden has been producing fantastically this year, and thanks to my better fence, the squirrels and rabbits have been stymied from eating all the ripe goodies to their hearts content! Of course I share some of the garden bounty w/ the furry yard critters, but I get first pick, not them this year :-)

Photos from August 5th:

Garden from different angles

Butternut squash; pineapple tomato; yellow bell peppers

Pear tomatoes; jalapenos; herbs

Bounty from July 25th and August 5th:

Fresh pickin’s: pear, black krim and cherokee purple tomatoes; cipollini, red and yellow onions; more pear tomatoes, onions, the first ripe yellow bell pepper and pineapple tomato

I hope your garden is growing well too this year!



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