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Archive for the 'Travel' CategoryPage 4 of 4

Zinfully Cabo!

As one of the pilots put it…

"Some moments are diamonds, and then there are

those that are stone".

This was definitely a diamond moment. We arrived in

Cabo San Lucas at 9:30 AM on Good Friday. The plan

was to drop off passengers, then fly to Las Vegas to

spend the night. Well, the trip to Vegas was cancelled

so we were fortunate enough to stay in Cabo until

1:45 PM the next day! Here is a photographic montage

of our good fortune. I didn’t get to eat anything worth

writing home about, but I did get some good shots

of the "landscape".

Cabo_1 Cabo_2 My room

Cabo_3 Cabo_4 From my balcony

Cabo_5 Cabo_6 Refreshments

Cabo_7 Cabo_8_1 Beach time

Img_0262 Img_0267 Life’s a beach

Cabo_11_1 Cabo_12 Me on the rocks

Cabo_13 Cabo_14 La piscine

Cabo_20 Cabo_15 Huts and hats

Cabo_16 Cabo_17 Mi amigo/ la luna


May all of your moments be diamonds!!


Haute Cuisine (literally!)

Not all kitchens are created equal…


…some have wings!


Cooking at 40,000 feet can be challenging…


…but the views are terrific!!

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The North Market – Columbus, Ohio

My job requires a lot of traveling.

While on the road I sometimes have the opportunity

to explore cities to search out what they have to offer

relative to food and wine. While in Columbus recently I

had some down time so I did a walk-about in downtown.

Just a couple of blocks from my hotel I found this great

market which appeared to be very popular w/ the locals.

The place is called The North Market and is home to many

interesting food vendors.

North_market_1 North_market_2

North_market_3 North_market_4

According to the brochure I picked up, the market was

established in 1876 as a place where people could

gather together to shop, eat, mingle and enjoy themselves.

North_market_11 North_market_12

Among other things, the market offers…

North_market_13 North_market_14 Fresh fish and eggs

North_market_5 North_market_6 Bread and chocolate

North_market_10 North_market_7 Produce and pasta

North_market_8 North_market_15 Ice cream and pastries

North_market_9 Spices and even…

North_market_16 Wedding cakes!

So next time you’re in Columbus, stop by The North Market.

I guarantee you won’t be disappointed!
