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Monthly Archive for March, 2012

Crop Damage

asparagus1 2012

asparagus2 2012

This year’s asparagus crop is a reflection of the damaging heat and drought we experienced in St. Louis last summer. Out of the 15 plants I started w/ last year, only 7 have survived. The rest died from an insect infestation last season. The surviving plants are producing stalks that are much smaller than those from previous years. I plan to dig up the remaining plants after they have finished producing for the season and start from scratch w/ a new batch of asparagus crowns.

Fingers crossed for the rest of this growing season!

Happy Gardening…


Spring is Definitely Here!



The tulips and grape hyacinth are blooming nicely, but unfortunately so are the weeds! Due to the unseasonably warm weather we’ve been experiencing here in St. Louis, everything has started growing 2 to 4 weeks ahead of schedule. I was hoping not to have to start the yard work so soon but if I don’t conquer the weeds, they will conquer my yard! Oh well… at least the spring flowers are beautiful and I’ve been able to bike ride ahead of schedule too!!

