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Monthly Archive for September, 2015

Peppers Picked and Pickled

pickled peppers 2015

Huge crop this year… mucho pickled peppers for the winter months!!

Lovin’ the heat!


Garden 2015 – Update #3: Fading into Fall

Well, summer’s almost over…what a bummer! Besides spring, it’s my favorite season. Gardening has been good this year. I already have a few ideas for next year that I’m looking forward to putting into action.

Here are a few photos that I shot this morning. As you can see, there are many tomatoes and peppers yet to be picked, and a few baby butternuts that hopefully will plump up for good eatin’! If you enlarge the photo of the zinnias and look closely at the top right flowers you might be able to spot a Monarch butterfly that stopped for some nectar to help it w/ the long flight to Mexico.

garden1 Sept 5 '15

garden2 Sept 5 '15

garden3 Sept 5 '15

garden4 Sept 5 '15

garden5 Sept 5 '15

garden6 Sept 5 '15

garden7 Sept 5 '15

garden8 Sept 5 '15

garden9 Sept 5 '15

Enjoy the final weeks of summer!
