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Monthly Archive for April, 2010

Tilled and Ready to Grow!

tilled garden 1 2010

tilled garden 2 2010

Whew, that was a lot of work! Before tilling this year I amended the soil w/ a very ripe, dark leaf compost that stinks like poop. Not a fragrance I like smelling in the springtime, but hopefully this will create some very happy plants in the garden! I’m curious to see if the garden will do better as a result of my extra efforts. I still haven’t decided what veggies to put in this year besides tomatoes and butternut squash. Any suggestions?

Happy gardening!



It’s Asparagus Time!


asparagus2 2010 March 30th

asparagus1 2010 March 30th

asparagus3 2010 April 1st

It’s amazing how fast asparagus grows. One day their tips are just poking out of the dirt, the next day or 2 they’re over a foot tall!

Time to look up some aparagus recipes for the abundance my garden will provide over the next few weeks.

Happy Spring and Happy Gardening to all those living in the northern hemisphere of mother earth… it’s time for renewal and rejuvenation!!
