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Monthly Archive for June, 2024

Garden 2024

It’s been a while since I’ve put in a veggie garden. What a pleasure to be playing in the dirt again! This year, I decided to purchase my tomato and pepper plants, rather than growing from seeds. So far, I’m very pleased w/ this decision. The plants are healthy, thriving, and look better than when I’ve grown plants from seed. The only thing I grew from seeds this year are the basil and zinnias. The zinnias seeds went in on February 27th (the day before I had mulch delivered), and the basil was seeded on April 15th, just after the last frost. It warmed up early this year in St. Louis.

The plants I selected to grow for 2024 are: Cherokee Purple, San Marzano, Big Beef, and Kangaroo Paw (green/amber) tomatoes; Jalafuego and Serrano (Impala) peppers; and, as in the past, Genovese and Thai basil. Below are a few photos of how things looked on Monday, June 10th.

garden1 2024

garden2 2024

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Here’s to a productive gardening season!
