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Monthly Archive for April, 2008

Daring Bakers Challenge for April

Unfortunately my blog has been malfunctioning for the past couple of weeks due to some malicious hackers corrupting my template. I had a friend help me reinstall everything but it’s still not working properly. So, as a result I cannot upload any photos and when you click on the photos from previous posts they no longer enlarge. This whole situation has me very frustrated!!

I have completed the challenge for April, took photographs and have feedback from my taste testers but all this will have to wait to be posted until I can get brunosdream operational again (hopefully within the next week). I figure what’s the point to post the text without photos since my fellow Daring Bakers want to actually see the end results, not just read about them!

Please check back within the next week. Hopefully I will have this mess resolved by then and have some visuals for your viewing pleasure.

 Until then, Happy Baking!


Saffron Gelato w/ Cognac Soaked Dates & Toasted Pine Nuts


This gelato was created for A Taste of Yellow – an event put on by Barbara at winosandfoodies for LiveSTRONG Day. I know several people who are courageously battling against cancer and I hope they win the fight! This post is my tribute to them and in memory of my friends who have lost the battle.

Saffron Gelato


6 egg yolks

1 cup sugar

1 quart half & half

1/2 cup toasted pine nuts

1 cup fresh dates (pitted, cut into 1/2 inch pieces and soaked in cognac overnight)

1 1/4 teaspoons saffron threads (half crushed)


1) In medium saucepan heat half  & half gently to a simmer w/ saffron, then turn off heat and let mixture steep for 15 minutes; reheat before adding to egg yolk mixture

2) In medium size mixing bowl combine egg yolks and sugar and beat together until pale yellow

3) Blend 1/4 cup of the warm half  & half into the egg mixture (do this slowly to avoid curdling the eggs), then blend in the remaining half  & half little by little

4) Place bowl over a pot of simmering water and cook over a gentle heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture coats the back of a spoon (do not let temperature exceed 170 degrees F or mixture will start to curdle)

5) Cool in an ice bath and chill for at least 4 hours in fridge

6) Churn in ice cream maker according to manufacturer’s instructions, adding the dates and pine nuts halfway through the churning process

7) Transfer gelato to a 2 quart plastic container, cover surface  w/ parchment paper cut to size (this will reduce air exposure and prevent ice crystals from forming on the surface of gelato), and freeze until firm

Yield: Approx. 1 ½ quarts

Gelato maker’s notes: The saffron flavor wasn’t as pronounced as I would have liked, so next time I will add less of the dates which tended to overpower the saffron as the flavors opened up on the palate.

 Have a yellow day : – )
