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Monthly Archive for September, 2012

Veggie Garden 2012: Update #2 – A Chronology of a Bad Year

Lately I have a lot of sympathy for the small farmers who depend on their produce – it’s their livelihood, not just a hobby like it is for me. The small farmers don’t have crop insurance to cover their loses unless they grow commodity crops. I read an article in the local newspaper that mentioned how the small farmers are trying their best to eke out an income during this drought – replanting after the initial planting died from the heat and lack of water; trying out new plantings that are more heat and drought resistant so the can fulfill their CSA obligations and have a product to sell at the farmers markets.

During the last few weeks the temperatures have normalized here in St. Louis and we are getting rain so hopefully fall crops can be salvaged.

Here are the photos I snapped in my garden throughout this brutal summer (click on the photos to enlarge the image):

Photos from July 20th:


Photos from August 1st:


Photos from August 14th:


Garden bounty from August 18th:


Garden bounty from August 25th:


Photos from September 3rd (after 3 days of rain):


Garden bounty from September 25th: 


Hoping for a better growing season in 2013…
