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Monthly Archive for May, 2009


My blog is up and running againĀ better than before thanks to my friend Dave, of Geekforce. As my way to say thank you, I made him dinner consisting of grilledĀ marlin (marinated in lime juice, soy sauce, garlic, scallions, olive oil and lime zest), Israeli couscous (w/ the remaining marinade added to it) and steamed carrots glazed w/ my homemade candied jalapenos. For dessert we had fortune cookies and a 10 year old port. Thanks again Dave!!


Hacked Off by Hackers

If you’ve stopped by brunosdream in the last several days you may have wondered why it’s not looking like it’s supposed to. Well, that’s because some f!!ing hackers are freeloading off my site. Somehow they have either infiltrated the hosting package or the page formatting template I use. They loaded a bunch of freeloading links to the header of the page and as a result it has created headaches for me. This is the second time in a year it’s happened and I’m very frustrated! I wish I could catch these people, coat them w/ honey, tie them to the ground and let some fire ants loose to have some fun w/ them just like they’ve had fun w/ my site!!

I hope to have brunosdream looking like it’s supposed to in the next week so bear w/ the temporary format I’m using in the interim.


Garden Update – “Cleared for Takeoff”

Tilled and ready to grow!!